Between manufacturing pharmaceutical products
by:Zhongya Packaging
Basically, pharmaceutical packaging testing is done to check the integrity or the leakage and the strength of the seal, and for this, different procedures are followed. Though both are complementary but are completely different process. But, for the analysis of the pack both testing modes are significant.
For testing the strength of the seal, burst, creep and creep-to-failure testing methods are followed. These methods can be carried out with any material, porous or non-porous. Best part is that they can be applied on packs like header bags, pouches, lidded trays, rigid or flexible blisters, and rolled or laminated tubes. As a result, any form of pack can be tested for their strength.
For leak testing, pressure decay is found to be very effective method to know if there is any leak in flexible packages having non-porous surface material and seals.
There is another method called Closed Chamber Test method. This provides quick and non-destructive testing for blister cards, sealed flexible packages and induction welded bottle seals. In this process, the chamber fixture that encloses the pack pressurizes or in simple words evacuate for a vacuum test. Then the machine would stabilize and test for pressures (or vacuum) decay that later indicates the signs of leakage in the item.
After every round of tests, a proper data is maintained that states the weaknesses and strength of the pack. These data help packagers know the areas they need to focus on to meet the industry standard and to make their product more feasible for the market. With the advancement in packaging industry more and more effective methodologies are being introduced to improve the quality of packaging services.
To carry out these processes, various machines are used that are costly and are not easy to afford by any company. Probably this is the reason why for testing the standards of the pharmaceutical packaging is costly. However, when it comes to maintain the quality of product such expenses are truly justified.
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